living in the question...

Saturday, October 29, 2011

graphics: Here is how we make those curled objects we see in ads

By on 1:37 PM
2. Flip once horizontal and once verticle
1. Cut a circle from any side you want to curl...
3. Add some shadows...

4. Put some gradient and thats it to get a nice curl...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Colors: My favorite combination of black with different colors

By on 12:02 PM
Although black is used very often everywhere but I usually prefer black in these combinations, be it colorful fonts over black background or div colors, if carefully selected the colors create a beautiful impact on the viewers mind, at least for me :P

wordpress: Changing wordpress password from phpMyadmin

By on 9:33 AM
What if you have forgot your password and to the distress your mail server is down to change it through email. Don't worry if you have access to the database of the site.

1. Go to your phpMyadmin interface
2. Run the following SQL with necessery modifications
UPDATE `wp_users` SET `user_pass` = MD5('newPassword') WHERE `wp_users`.`user_login` ="yourUserName" LIMIT 1;
Thats all! enjoy