living in the question...

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Centangle Interactive PVT LTD

By on 8:14 AM

Wondering if blogger is still alive! Yeah I think so! It has been so long that I wrote any thing like a blog. Life at Centangle has been very busy over the years. If you are reading this and interested to read below, keep in mind that I will just write few introductory words about a group of freelance web developers, Centangle Interactive Pvt Ltd.

Here is the list of the cool guys on board at Centangle these days: Centangle Interactive Team

Here at Centangle we work every day, 7 days a week on very exciting initiatives. We started with freelance web development and over the years, we got Centangle Interactive registered in 2015. With the passage of time we have built few software products of our own. We have a retail management software, we call it POS, we have a health management information system called Robo Health, we have a basic accounting software built on Yii framework and many more.

We have successfully implemented accounting system in few companies. Apart from the products we give most of our time in providing web development services to local and global clients. We have developed a number of websites and plugins for a number of people. We also provide media and animation, training videos, documentary etc.

I think that would be enough of the serious things we do at centangle. Here is how we look in serious mood. :D
We are not that serious all the time. On weekends and during birthday celebrations we go to enjoy life. These are the best time to remember at centangle. In the evening we usually go for jogging. Its almost jogging time and I am wasting some of my precious Centangle time here.

Just in case any one wants to reach out to us, throw us an email at
See some other day :)
